Restless Earth

The Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) was created in 2008 with the mission to conduct fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and climate change in and around Southeast Asia, toward safer and more sustainable societies.

Working as an editor to provide high-quality content for their new website in 2019, I ingested and cut hours of raw footage into several short pieces, each highlighting a different area of study and focus within the observatory.

Collectively titled 'Restless Earth’, the series was intended to educate and inform the public on the mission of the Earth Observatory, in addition to providing a positive overview for stakeholders and potential donors.

The video above features a full breakdown of major EOS branches and objectives, while the clip to the right features a more intimate look at the Tectonics division, and their efforts to both prevent and respond to natural disasters in Nepal.


A Capitol Fourth

